I like to eat cucumbers. I either eat it raw or make simple dishes out of them. The only cucumber dish that is quite elaborate is the "acar nyonya " style that took hours to prepare. This recipe I obtained from my "ultimate chinese cook book'. I especially want to share this with Mamafami, who is on a quest to find the different ways to cook cucumbers... so Mama , this is for you.
2 medium cucumbers- seeded and julienned
1 clove garlic - chopped
2 pcs ginger-size of garlic- chopped
1 red chilli- chopped
1 stalk spring onion- chopped
seasoning ingredients
1 tsp honey
2 tsp taucho ( salted soya bean)
1/8 sesame oil
1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
1. mix cucumber with salt for 10 minutes, drained
2. heat a little oil in wok, fry in the garlic and ginger
3. add in the rest of the ingredients and 2 tbsp water, cover wok.
4. Adjust seasoning and cook till done.
n/b : mixing salt to cucumber remove the water from cucumber cells, as a result the cucumber is slices will be more crunchy.
Wah another cucumber recipe. But then tak de taucho pulak. Tadi gi kedai, adalah jumpa taucho tapi kan, satu botol kecik sampai RM15, tak jadilah nak beli. Tak apa, kot nanti tak tahan nak cuba, mama boh je la kicap pekat ke...wakaka...
Amazingly , this recipe is kind of "interesting" .. very nice walaupun I was quite reluctant to cook it at first... try it kalau u balik Malaysia, I pun tak sanggup nak beli kalau taucho $8.00
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