Over the years I've cooked a number of Chicken rice versions and so is Mamafami. I cooked this as a result of reading Sarina's and Ihsan's blog. The rice looked so delicious that I need to cook for my family as well. Chicken rice is a complete meal as it is served with soup, sliced cucumber, chicken and the sauces. Today's chicken rice recipe is a combination of the many versions of chicken rice I cooked over the years. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did :)
First, make the broth:
500g chicken (skinned and fat removed),
1 litre water
7 pcs ginger ( garlic sized)
salt and pepper to taste
- put all ingredients in a pot,
- cook until broth boils and off the flame
- cover the pot and do not open the lid for 15 minutes ( to make the chicken tender)
secondly, cook the rice
3 cups rice- washed and drained
3 cups broth
4 shallots-sliced
2 clove garlic-sliced
1 piece ginger (garlic sized)-sliced
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt ( more if needed)
1 dsp chicken stock powder
1/4 tsp sesame oil
1/3 cup oil
-heat oil in pot
-fry shallots, ginger and garlic till fragrant
- add in the rice, fry till rice transparent
- add in the broth and the seasonings
- when rice boils, lower the flame, cover lid and cook till done. Alternatively, transfer the rice into a rice cooker.
thirdly: prepare the chicken
- cut chicken into small pieces.
- you can serve them as it is or you can season and deep fry them
-alternatively, you can bake them( see Ihsan's blog)
- however today I placed all the cut chicken into a casserole, put sliced garlic and large onion , I add 1 dsp of oyster sauce and 1/4 cup of the broth before cooking the chicken in the microwave oven for 4 minutes.
fourthly: making the soup
- top up the remaining broth with water
- season it with chicken stock powder
- add fried shallots and chopped spring onions
fifthly: making the soya sauce dip;
mix the following:
- 1 dsp light soya sauce+ 1 dsp sweet soya sauce+ 1/4 cup water + 1/2 tsp sesame oil
lastly : making the chili sauce * also yummy with "cucur udang" and steam boat dishes :)
3 red chili
2 cloves garlic
1 dsp oyster sauce
-blend the above ingredients and cook until boiling. Once boiled, add the following:
1 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp vinegar
- continue cooking till sugar dissolves.
~~~~ serve the rice set with sliced cucumber~~~ Happy eating !!!!
wah! ada the soup and chilli sauce jua! My housemates will love me to bits if I make those with my nasi ayam, hehe. Will definitely be trying this some day! GAH! Terlalu banyak things to cook at the moment! But that's the fun part, isn't it? ;) Hehe.
Hi Ihsan..., the chili sauce atu yummy tu. I first made it in a very large quantity masa my cousin's nikah day. My aunty was clueless on how to make the sauce.. since then I made the adjustments... so it turns great. adjust the salt and sugar according to your taste OK!
Memang banyak bebenor versi nasi ayam ni kan, yet all are pretty simple to do yet delicious. Berbunyi perut mama tengok gambar nasi ayam! Btw, mintak halal ye, habis dah semua resipi mama copy and paste..
I do agree nasik ayam nie macam -macam... This version is nice and so does the one with oyster sauce... all the recipes are for you to grab.... kalau bab masakan tu , the seasonings, adjust your taste k!
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