This is one of the dish that my family enjoy including Dayini who is very picky when it comes to vegies. H ere's the recipe:
I bowl cut long beans
2 shallots-sliced
1 garlic- sliced
1 red chilli -sliced
1 dsp curry powder ( add in more if you want a spicer version)
1 dsp tomato sauce
chicken stock powder
1 egg- beaten.
-Heat oil in wok
- add in the shallots and garlic , fry until fragrant
- add in the beans, tomato sauce, curry powder, chilli , chicken stock powder and a little water
- cover the wok with a lid and reduce the flame
- when the beans are half cooked, make a well at the centre of the wok, add in a little oil and add in the egg.
- make sure the egg is half -cooked before incorporating it to the vegies.
-adjust seasoning and dish up
Korean style twist.
Add chili bean paste, dark soy sauce, fresh chopped tomatoes, shredded capsicums, shallots and garlic, with the egg.
I did that with long beans b4 but I tambah thinly sliced beef la.
wow, tq for the variation, will try it as soon as I have the chili bean paste :)
Easier to find chili bean sauce if you can't find paste - Lee Kum Kee brand can find easily in supermarkets tu but if can find authentic korean chili bean paste good also.
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