Auni loves to eat "Nasi Briyani". Today, I cooked this especially for her. I used the "Faiza Briyani Powder" I bought the other day at Tg Bunot Hua Ho Mall. I never used this powder before. So, What's the end product like?. DELICIOUS.... Auni Had her third round already! :) here's the recipe:
1 whole chicken- skin and fat removed, cut into small pieces, cleaned.
3 cups Basmati rice, washed and strained
A- blended together:
5 shallots
5 garlic
1/2 large onion
3 pcs ginger- garlic size
B- others
4 tbsp Faiza Briyani curry powder
1 cup skim milk ( for chicken) , 1cup for rice
4 dsp tomato sauce
juice of 1 lime
1 dsp honey
1 handful fried shallots
chicken stock powder and salt
steps: A: cooking the chicken
1. Heat wok, add in oil
2. Add in A, add in the briyani powder and a little water, stir to mix, and fry till fragrant.
3. Add in chicken, reduce flame, cover the wok, cook for another 10 minutes
4. Add in the tomato sauce, honey, milk chicken stock powder.
5. Cook till chicken is done, add seasoning and add in the fried shallots. stir to mix
6. Transfer the chicken to another container, leave some of the gravy in the wok.
B: cooking the rice
1. Heat the wok again, Add rice to the gravy in the wok, stir to mix.
2. Add in the milk and about 2 cups water ( the amount of water depends on you, if you want softer rice, add in a bit more)
3. Add in salt and seasoning and boil rice until the rice looked starchy before transferring the rice to the rice cooker. Do ensure the rice has enough fluid for it to cook well.
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