I think it has been 2 years or so that we didn't eat crabs. You see, eating crabs need patience and also it is time consuming. My hubby had been telling me about his craving for these sea creatures for sometime now , so after I had my exercise ( LOL!) today, I bought 2 kilogrammes of Crab, 1 kilo of squids and 1 large "tenggiri". I also bought "lemiding" and "sayur nangka" . Here's what I did to the crabs:
2 kilograms crab -intestine , gills and carapace removed, boiled and keep aside.
2 tbsp chopped ginger
2 tbsp chopped garlic
1 Spanish onion, sliced
2 lemon grass
1/2 cup sweet chili sauce
3 dsp spicy taucho ( soy bean paste)
chicken stock powder
corn flour slurry
2 tomatoes- cut into wedges.
fried shallots
1. In a large wok, add oil.
2. add in the chopped ginger, garlic ,onion and lemon grass.
3. add in the chili sauce and taucho, stir till combine
4. when the sauce has thicken, add in the crabs add in some water and cover wok for at least 5 minutes.
5. add corn slurry and adjust flavouring with chicken stock powder.
6. If the gravy has thicken and able to coat the crabs, dish up.
I also cooked these for lunch... btw,to Aziah, if you read this post, the chicken is similar to the ones that we had on Thursday but without sesame seeds :)
LOL! ok i sooo want the recipe of that chickennnn. orrrr bawa ke work place tani kah hehehe
Ziyah, will post the recipe nanti. I didn't add in the roasted sesame coz my kids inda suka. But at least kedapatan sudah recipe nya atu :)
nyaman usul ketam ah. sisiapun.
Rosma... kalau bab katam, udang, sutong dan yang sewaktu dengan nya memang nyaman... tq for visiting ok!
Sedapnya ketam tu. Sini ketam not available! Lama dah tak makan ketam. Nanti sok balik cuti ke or balik for good ke, MESTI nak makan ketam! Tak pun, mama singgah Brunei nak rasa air tangan Aunidayini, leh tak?
Mama, though ketam available kat sini, I very seldom makan, coz... terpaksa spend time duduk , enjoying every bites, sampai sakit tengkok.. haha! Kalau Mama nak datang why not? I cook for you...you cook for me as well leh kan hehehe?
I love your recipes and pictures. I'm on the other side of globe and I'm going try some of your dishes. Thanks you and keep up the good work. Also thanks for the kind words.
Chef Johnallen
Hi Chef John... Welcome to My Humble blog. The recipes here are tried recipes both Brunei and non-Brunei Cuisines, some I made up myself. All were home cooked, so hope you enjoy them :)
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