I thought I will never "kena" but then, A blogger friend from Malaysia, Rinnchan had tagged me* hysterical* hehehe. Never mind, I take this positively..., Rinn I know that you ingat sangat... kat I di Brunei nie... :) , so you want me to list down the weird things I do eh.... well here it is people, my list.. may be I too can be categorised as "weirdo".
1. I like to eat " Kerak nasi", if I have the craving for it, I'll purposely cook the rice without using a rice cooker.
2. If I am bored with my everyday food, I'll eat nasi with belacan only.. not sambal belacan... simply belacan.
3. or.... eat rice with My favourite kicap and fresh red chillies, just that.
4. I don't wear lipstick to work.
5. I don't know how to use make up.
6. I love to wear mocassins/ flat shoes to work, I don't know how to walk in high heels.
Now it`s my turn to tag you people.., MY STUDENTS......watch out for me..here I come !!!
1. Sarina @ Sher @nana
2. Nabilah @Abyll - Abyll, please tag madir and leejah jua ah !
3. Lu Wee
4. Roxine
5. Faye
6. Sing Yien
Rules: People who are tagged should write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
This will be my third attempt to leave a comment on your blog. Hope this stays! About your weird thingy, #3 - 5 tu sama je dengan mama. That's why I consider myself dalam kategori SEMPOI! Jangan tak tahu, mama ni pakai selipar flat tu punnnn boleh terpelecok! Hahahaha!
hahaha....kita serupa Yahoo! *clap,clap* at least ada la other eg that i can quote to my hubby... not that he complained. girly girly nie rimas la mama... I walk very fast so more comfy pakai sporty shoes
Ho ho ho ada orang tu kata rinn ni weird sbb makan tempe mentah..tapi you makan kerak nasi lagi parah *garu kepala*. I got an idea..dulu masa I kecik2 mak I kalau ada kerak nasi dia akan korek lawa2 pas tu jemur sampai betul2 kering. Kumpul lah banyak2..then, on one fine day she would deep fry it, jadiklah keropok kerak nasi. Since you like to purpsely masak kerak..why not try this one?? Makan kicap dgn cili api wuz my regular menu masa expecting 1st baby looooong ago..plus ikan gelama masin !!! Weeiii...mouth watering dah niiih..
Rinn, hahahaha ... I makan kerak nasi dengan kicap and you know what. kicap yang I use tu specific... the ones that I hassd sejak I kecik tau! since org tak nak makan kerak.. I lah yang untung... nyum nyum !!! weird kan?... tempe mentah... tak pernah lak cuba *sambil geleng-geleng*
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