The first time I made this local cake was at Miss Yeow's Home Science cooking lesson. That time I was 14. We would find excuses for not coming to her class.. simply because our teacher was VERY STRICT... hehehe, I wonder where she is now. Here's the recipe (can't write much because my son, darwish is urging me to open BBC.com his fave website :)
1 and 1/2 cup mashed sweet potato - I used the orange variety
5 tbsp coconut milk
3 heap tsp cornflour
1/2 tsp salt
icing/confectioner sugar for coating
oil for frying
#1 mix sweet potatoes, coconut milk, cornflour and salt to form a dough-like consistency.
#2 divide the dough into 9 equal portions, roll them into"ball-like" structure and make a hole in the middle , just like a doughnut.
#3 heat oil in a pan, deep fry or shallow fry the cake at medium flame till golden brown.
#4 after frying,I roll them into the icing sugar to coat. Traditionally people will put granulated sugar into a pan with little water , when the sugar bubbles, thay add in the fried cake into it and cook further till the sugar dries and coat the cake.
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