Sunday, June 01, 2008

#322: Blood Pressure numbers

Remember your last trip to the clinic and your blood pressure was taken? Do you know what those numbers represent? do you know where your blood pressure lies? Do you check your blood pressure regularly? Here are the categories :

Categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults over 18 (in mmHg, millimeters of

Category Systolic (top number) Diastolic (bottom number)
Normal Less than 130 Less than 85
Prehypertension 130–139 85–89
High BP Stage 1 140–159 90–99
High BP Stage 2
High BP Stage 3
High BP Stage 4
Why are the B.P numbers important?. Firstly the top number represent the Systolic pressure, which is the maximum arterial pressure achieved and the diastole pressure is the number at the bottom which is the minimum blood pressure recorded in the aorta.

Constant high blood pressure , or hypertension or "darah tinggi" is harmful. It makes the heart work harder and causes the arteries to narrow ( saluran darah mengecil). This increases the chance of fats to get deposited in the artery lumen. Which may lead to heart attacks or heart failure. The systole number show how hard your heart is working.

The bottom number indicates the resistance of the arteries to blood flow. If the number is high, that's means that the person's arteries may have some atherosclerosis ( saluran darah mengecil).
~ Oh no!

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