Wednesday, June 11, 2008

#325 Carrots~ Daucus carota

A super source of beta carotene,
a powerful anticancer,
artery-protecting - so prevent your blood vessels from artherosclerosis
immune-boosting - so you will not get sick easily
infection-fighting - helps to fight "germs"
antioxidant with wide protective powers.

A carrot a day slashed stroke rates in women by 68 percent.
The beta-carotene in one medium carrot cuts lung cancer risk in half, even among formerly heavy smokers.
High doses of beta carotene, as found in carrots substantially reduces odds of degenerative eye diseases e.g. cataracts
Reduces the odds of chest pain (angina).
The high soluble fiber in carrots depresses blood cholesterol.
NOTE:Cooking can make it easier for the body to absorb carrot's beta-carotene.

To summarise...... Carrots,

• protects against lung cancer
• protects against ovarian cancer
• protects against bladder cancer
• Reduces smokers cough/wheeze
• Prevention and therapy for Gastrointestinal infections.

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