Darwish: Blueberry cookies is it wiving thing or not wiving thing, mom?
Me : It's a non- living thing
Darwish ( a few minutes later): Blue berry cookies need butter?
Me ( lazily) : Yes
Darwish : Does a blueberry cookies need sugar?
Me: Yes
Darwish: Where you want to make the blueberry cookies, in a bowl or in a bowl?
( notice he did not give me any choice :) )
Me: Ok , Mummy will make you some...
and here ladies and gentlemen....Darwish's blue berry cookies.... created on the spot LOL!
Ingredients + methods
Preheat the oven at 180 C
cream 1/2 butter and 1/2 cup brown sugar until well mixed. Add in 1 egg, creamed till combined. Add 1 cup flour , a pinch of salt and a pinch of bicarbonate of soda. Add in 1 dsp blueberry paste. mix till combined.
Spoon the mixture using a teaspoon onto a baking tray. A large baking tray should only have 12 of the mixture . bake for about 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 140 C and bake until the cookies are crisp . Yum !
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