Our family loves potato, I have a lot of potato recipes and this is one of them.
1kg medium potato, peeled, cut into cubes ( preferably 4) - boiled with salted water till nearly cooked (do not overcook the potato)
chicken stock powder
coriander leaves-sliced
4 garlics- sliced
1 inch ginger-sliced
3 green chilies-sliced
1 tsp cumin
extra virgin olive oil
2 cups skim milk
juice from 1 kesturi
1tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp paprika powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
-Heat little oil in pot, fry A till fragrant
- Add potato and B, stir to combine. Add chicken stock powder
- simmer till the gravy thickens.
- adjust seasoning and dish up
- garnish with coriander leaves
Rinn pun suka masukkan kentang dlm kebanyakan masakan contohnya kari, kurma, goreng kunyit, salad, sup ayam etc..Masak kentang on its own tuu jarang laa...nampak sedap yg wana masak ni.
Rinn, this is very nice. You can add cauliflower if you don't like the kentang on it's own. I made this for Dayini's party, so at the end of the day, everything licin :)
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