Dayini hinted to me that she wanted to have burgers for lunch last Friday. I did not want to buy the ready-made burger so I made some some beef patties instead. Dayini ate hers with cheese, Auni had hers with tomato, salad leaves and cheese, while Abang and I had ours with tomato,cucumbers,salad leaves plus the "sauce". The picture above is what I had in my plate:)
I small bowl minced beef
1/2 tsp mustard
1/2 packet instant soup powder ( campbell's cream of mushroom)
1 dsp Italian herbs
salt to taste ( 1-2tsp)
1 tsp Cumin powder
1 dsp Chili sauce
1 egg ( beaten
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together and stir to combine.
shape the mixture into balls and flatten it to form "burger-like" shape
heat a grill pan which had been greased with olive oil
place the patties in the pan and cook till done on both sides
serve with your favourite bun , condiments and sauce.
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