My children do not like to eat the bread's crust . Therefore , if I make sandwiches, I have to cut the edges off . I am the one who ate the crusts, sometime put them in the oven, turn it to a cruncy edges ( hehe) and another way is to turn them into this yummy dessert. It may not look commercial, but it's yummy.
crusts from 8 bread slices
2 cups milk
1 egg- beaten
2 dsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
cinnamon for sprinkling
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C
2. combine bread and milk in a bowl. Allow the bread to soak up the milk .
3. Add egg and sugar into the bread mixture , mix well.
4. grease the ceramic container/ pan with butter
5. place the mixture in the pan and sprinkle the top with cinnamon powder
6. Bake for 15 minutes or when the pudding is done.
I've got the same problem with you..what to do with crusts! Dah bertimbun dah crusts kat dalam freezer tu...nak buat bread crumbs pun, dah banyak sangat dah... Nak buat pudding ni plak, who will end up eating... nampaknya sedekah kat burung je la kot! Hehehe...
Hi Mama...,
Hehehe, that's why I very seldom beli white bread. I rather buy or make buns. I got another version yang guna coklat. I bought white bread hari nie, so if anytime this week I'm free insyaalah, I'll make some and post :)
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