Friday, February 09, 2007

#99: Quick Beef rendang: recipe#74

In the morning, on school days I usually wake up before 5.00 a.m, truthfully, my body really feel tired, but then I remember that I need to fix breakfast and lunch for the family especially the kids. The type of dish that I usually cook will be the ones with less hassle and this is one examples of those dishes ..

1/2 kilo beef, preferably tenderloin or topside-sliced

blended ingredients:
3 fresh chilies
1tsp turmeric powder
10 shallots
5 garlic
1 tbsp chopped ginger.

1 lemon grass
chicken stock powder
juice from 1 lime
1tsp soy sauce
2 dsp "kerisik"/coconut paste ( I didn't use coconut milk)
enough water to soften the beef
oil-2 tdsp
1 dsp sliced torch ginger flower ( bunga kantan)- now available in dry form.

1. combine beef, blended ingredients, lemon grass, torch ginger and oil in a pot.
2. cook the mixture at high flame, until the juice from the beef came out, then reduce flame to medium, and simmer the mixture. Occasionally, stir the beef and if the gravy become too reduced, add in water.
3. Simmer till the beef become tender.
4. When the beef become tender, add the rest of the ingredients and let the mixture boils for about 5 minutes.
5. Adjust seasonings and the thickness of the gravy. If the gravy became too thick, add a little water.

ENJOY ....