Friday, December 07, 2007

#283 : Son-in Law Eggs: recipe #168

Sorry for the lack of updates, a lot of issues came up lately including children's schooling and the abrupt decision of my maid to retire after 10 yrs of service. So next year we will be amah free and we will have house chores among ourselves. I don't have to worry about the children's roomS because they clean their room everyday although my maid is around. I cook everyday between 3.00 to 5.00 a.m. , so that should be no problem as well. The only thing I hate doing will be ironing... so, lets see...

I tried this recipe the other day , it's so easy. It is similar to my triple 's' eggs. I got this recipe from a book in my kitchen. According to the book,this recipe is "an easy dish for a son-in-law to impress his new mother-in-law"

6 hard boiled eggs (shelled)

1 large onion thinly sliced
2 fresh red chilies, sliced
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp water
2 tsp tamarind pulp
chicken stock to taste

1. Prick the hardboiled eggs and fry the eggs till golden in colour.
2. Halve the eggs length ways and put on a serving dish.
3. reserve 1 dsp oil in the wok, pour off the rest and heat the oil at high heat.
4. Cook the onion and chilies over a high heat till slightly crisp. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes or until thickened.
5. Pour the sauce over the eggs and serve immediately.

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